How Important Is Rest and Recovery for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss?

How Important Is Rest and Recovery for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss?

Take A Rest Day

How important is rest and recovery for muscle growth and fat loss? Depending on your starting point, you want to work out at a high intensity level no more than 5 times per week. On your off days, you can actively recover with a walk or jog, or by doing yoga or stretching. However, it is absolutely critical that you take it easy on those days, allowing your hormone levels to even out and your muscles to recover from the work you’ve done all week. Sleep and days off might feel counterintuitive when it comes to fat loss, but it is truly the missing component in so many health and fitness programs. Your body needs time to repair muscles in order for them to grow. You also need rest so that your hormones can remain stable, and your body can burn fat effectively. Take a day off, get plenty of rest, and sleep your way to a leaner, healthier you!

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